Kölner Kranhäuser


Impressum of M Assist GmbH


M Assist GmbH
Camp-Spich-Strasse 5
53842 Troisdorf

telephone: +49 (0) 2241 12705-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2241 12705-90
email: kontakt@massist.de

Register entry:
Register court: Siegburg
Register number: HRB 11678

Managing Director:
Michael Messner

Sales tax ID:
DE 214668664

The information and data provided on www.massist.de and www.m-assist.de are for informational purposes only, without the user being able to rely on or rely on the topicality, accuracy or completeness of the information. M Assist GmbH therefore assumes no guarantee or liability, in particular not for direct or indirect damage arising from the use of the information or data. In particular, M Assist GmbH assumes no responsibility for the content or the functionality, accuracy or legality of third-party websites referred to via links. The content of www.massist.de is protected by copyright. The reproduction, modification, distribution or storage of information or data, in particular texts, parts of texts or images, requires the prior written consent of M Assist GmbH. M Assist GmbH reserves the right to amend this statement at any time in compliance with applicable legal provisions.Troisdorf, 30.05.2011
The following is a short form of the privacy policy, the full privacy policy can be found over here

Privacy statement - short form

Data protection - use of websites
Each time www.massist.de and m-assist.de is accessed, data is logged, which also applies to the retrieval of files. In doing so, we use your IP address to collect data, including about your browser, your computer and the sub-pages you visit on the websites.
We do not use any data collected from you to identify you personally, but rather against the background of optimising the website.

Data protection - communication via e-mail, contact form, telephone or fax
Should you contact us via e-mail, fax, telephone or via the contact form, we will use your information to contact you and for advertising purposes, as we can deduce you from your request in accordance with your request. It will not be passed on to third parties unless there is a legal obligation to do so. You can object to the use of your information at any time. We would also like to point out that security gaps may occur when transmitting data over the Internet (e.g. via e-mail). Complete protection against access by third parties is not possible.

External links and information on the website

We assume no liability for external links and the offers made available by third parties as a result. We would also like to point out that the information on www.massist.de and m-assist.de is used exclusively to obtain information and does not have any legally binding effect.

About the privacy policy

Website Credits — Web Design & Development

amce Studios GmbH
Part of amce Studios Group Holding
Rheinstraße 34, 64823 Darmstadt
