Due diligence
Market entry
Start-Up & Concept
Change & transformation
Data protection


Create structure, ensure success




A clearly coordinated interaction...

... of organization and processes forms the basis of efficient business processes. By means of a systematically developed corporate strategy, you not only create the basis for analyzing your company's success, but also the opportunity to react flexibly and promptly to current changes in processes and structures. Together, we develop your individual corporate strategy, which focuses on your goals and is in line with your corporate culture and structure.

Our network is your network

Unser Netzwerk

Insights into current market conditions, trends, and challenges

Flexibility and adaptability to various customer requirements

Familiar position in the sector

A range of resources, in the form of expertise, best practices & talented professionals

Formation of partnerships and collaborations with organizations, service providers and experts

Learn from the successes and failures of other companies on the market





Non-binding, individual, personal

Do you need help adapting your organization?

Make an appointment now
Viola Braun
Viola Braun

Chief Administration & Product Officer

Decide with information

Due diligence

Due Dilligence

Due diligence

A decisive step...

... to navigate your company safely and efficiently through complex acquisitions, mergers and partnerships in the healthcare sector. With our in-depth expertise in analyzing market trends, regulatory risks and technological innovations, we help you make well-founded decisions and identify hidden opportunities.

Risk assessment at a glance


Financial risks

Precise review of the target company's financial circumstances, including analyses of debt, cash flow and overall financial stability, to guarantee a secure investment profile.


Legal risks

Detailed analysis of all legal circumstances, from ongoing legal disputes to compliance with specific laws such as the Medical Devices Act, to ensure legal compliance and minimized liability risks.


Operational risks

Investigation of operational structures and processes, identification of weak points and efficiency potentials in order to optimize the operational performance of the target company.


Strategic risks

Evaluation of the long-term strategic direction and competitiveness of the target company in the context of market dynamics and industry developments in order to identify sustainable growth opportunities.

Due Dilligence


Due Dilligence


Due diligence

That could you

Non-binding, individual, personal

Are you striving for long-term success?

Make an appointment now
Michael Messner
Michael Messner

Founder & Managing Partner (CEO)

Targeting success

Market entry


Market entry

The way...

... entering the healthcare market is decisive for the success of the company and requires extensive industry knowledge and thorough strategic preparation. In addition to complying with legal regulations, it is important to understand the needs of patients and professionals and to establish effective partnerships in order to offer real added value.

Strategic measures for your market entry



Our experts help your company develop and implement compliance strategies that ensure that your products and services always meet local legal requirements.


Market analysis and needs assessment

We carry out detailed market analyses and, based on them, develop tailor-made strategies to effectively address the specific needs and preferences of your target groups in the healthcare sector.


Establishing strategic partnerships

Our consultants help you establish and maintain strategic partnerships with key players in the healthcare sector to minimize barriers to market entry and accelerate market penetration.


Innovation and quality management

We support your company in developing innovative and high-quality products that stand out from the competition through special performance and superiority. Our advice includes both the design and implementation of effective quality control systems.





Market entry

That could you

Non-binding, individual, personal

Ready for new markets?

Make an appointment now
Michael Messner
Michael Messner

Founder & Managing Partner (CEO)

From idea to market success

Start-Up & Concept

Start up & Concept

Start-Up & Concept

The healthcare sector is...

... characterized by numerous regulatory challenges. These can both act as a deterrent and be used as an opportunity to position your company in line with the market through best practice processes, data protection measures and effective monetization models. Profound industry knowledge and a suitable extensive network help you to successfully implement your vision. From support in the design phase, to accompanying pilot projects to an innovative expansion of products and services, we are at your side as a trusted partner.

Start-Up & Concept

Frequently asked questions

Start-Up & Concept


Start-Up & Concept


Start-Up & Concept

That could you

Non-binding, individual, personal

Do you want to achieve tangible change with your innovation?

Make an appointment now
Lara Friedrichs
Lara Friedrichs

Senior Consultant

Shaping change, shaping the future

Change & transformation

Veränderung Headerbild

Change & transformation

In the dynamic business world...

... dealing with change is essential. This does not only mean accepting the change, but actively tackling it and communicating it with relevant stakeholders and employees. This is where strategic change management comes in. Based on a diagnosis of individual employees' willingness to change, as well as a specific communication plan, your change projects will be addressed in a targeted and structured manner in order to optimally involve your team in your project. Successful change management not only serves to transfer knowledge, but also brings your team on board, motivates and creates a clear vision.

Success factors for change

Erfolgsfaktor Veränderung

conflict resolution

Flexibility and adaptability to various customer requirements

an understanding of changes per se (their dynamics, types)
(Dynamik, Arten)

Focus on people as individuals, as well as within the group structure

Involving employees in change

Clear vision
im Fokus

Change & transformation


Veränderung & Transformation


Change & transformation

That could you

Non-binding, individual, personal

Are you ready to take on new challenges?

Make an appointment now
Tim Bennemann
Tim Bennemann

Chief Growth Officer

Your success, our promise

Data protection


Data protection

Secure data management...

... is essential to win the trust of your customers and to protect sensitive data. It ensures data quality and ensures that legal regulations such as the GDPR are met. With robust implemented security measures, continuous quality monitoring and rapid response to security incidents, you can ensure your company's success. With the help of our (technological) holistic approach, our customers rely on a decisive competitive advantage for their company.

Why is data protection training so important?


Promote safety awareness

● Raising employee awareness of data protection risks and regulations

● Create an understanding of the importance of data protection and confidentiality of sensitive data



● Training employees on applicable data protection laws and company guidelines.

● Compliance with data protection regulations and prevention of violations.


Early detection and prevention

● Training employees to identify suspicious activities or potential security risks.

● Report data breaches or security incidents.


Minimize risks

● Communicate best practices and procedures for securely handling data.

● Reducing errors or negligence that could lead to data breaches


A culture of responsibility

● Creating security awareness and a culture of responsibility when handling data.

● Involving employees in the data protection process and promoting proactive security behavior.


Continuous training and updating

● Regular training and education to keep employees informed about new data protection regulations and security risks.

● Adapting training content to current threats and developments in data protection law.



Data protection


Data protection

That could you

Non-binding, individual, personal

Do you feel safe when it comes to protecting your digital identity?

Make an appointment now
Jon Hamiko
Jon Hamiko

Senior Consultant

Non-binding, individual, personal

Make an appointment for a consultation now

During this appointment, we will actively take time to assess your current company situation and challenges.

  1. Write us your specific request.
  2. We record your individual needs and potential.
  3. You will receive all relevant details via email.
Make an appointment now