Due diligence
Market entry


Create structure, ensure success



A clearly coordinated interaction...

... of organization and processes forms the basis of efficient business processes. By means of a systematically developed corporate strategy, you not only create the basis for analyzing your company's success, but also the opportunity to react flexibly and promptly to current changes in processes and structures. Together, we develop your individual corporate strategy, which focuses on your goals and is in line with your corporate culture and structure.

Our network is your network

Insights into current market conditions, trends, and challenges

Flexibility and adaptability to various customer requirements

Familiar position in the sector

A range of resources, in the form of expertise, best practices & talented professionals

Formation of partnerships and collaborations with organizations, service providers and experts

Learn from the successes and failures of other companies on the market

Sustainable change

Results that you can achieve with coaching.


Development of a clear vision and strategic goals to ensure sustainable growth and success.


Fostering communication and collaboration to strengthen team dynamics and resolve conflicts


Building change skills and flexibility to effectively overcome challenges and seize opportunities.


Strengthening self-confidence and leadership skills for personal and professional development.


Activating unused potential and resources to develop and implement innovative solutions.


Improving stress management and work-life balance to promote long-term satisfaction and performance

More performance, more success

Why coaching brings measurably value for companies

Exzellenz Icon

Increased productivity

Studies show that coaching can increase productivity by up to 88% by setting clear goals and efficiently supporting implementation.

Langfristige Ziele Icon

Faster goal achievement

80% of coached people report that they achieve their personal and professional goals faster and more sustainably than without professional support.

Zusammenhalt Icon

Improved team dynamics

85% of managers are convinced that coaching is crucial for team development and collaboration — through better communication and stronger cohesion.

Vertrauen Icon

Higher employee retention

Companies that use coaching see up to 70% higher employee retention, as individual strengths are promoted and development opportunities are created.



Due diligence

Other topics that
might interest you

Non-binding, individual, personal

Do you need help adapting your organization?

Make an appointment now
Viola Braun
Domante Raubickaite

Senior Consultant &
Systemic Coach

Wählen Sie Ihren Coach

Wählen Sie Ihren Coach und starten Sie mit einem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch. Gemeinsam klären Sie Ziele, Herausforderungen und nächste Schritte.

Decide with information

Due diligence

Due Dilligence

Due diligence

A decisive step...

... to navigate your company safely and efficiently through complex acquisitions, mergers and partnerships in the healthcare sector. With our in-depth expertise in analyzing market trends, regulatory risks and technological innovations, we help you make well-founded decisions and identify hidden opportunities.

Risk assessment at a glance


Mission clarification & Objective setting

Joint definition of a realistic and measurable goal. Development of a clear approach for the session in order to address specific challenges in a targeted manner.


Legal risks

Detailed analysis of all legal circumstances, from ongoing legal disputes to compliance with specific laws such as the Medical Devices Act, to ensure legal compliance and minimized liability risks.


Operational risks

Investigation of operational structures and processes, identification of weak points and efficiency potentials in order to optimize the operational performance of the target company.


Strategic risks

Evaluation of the long-term strategic direction and competitiveness of the target company in the context of market dynamics and industry developments in order to identify sustainable growth opportunities.

Coaching individual sessions

Frequently asked questions

Due Dilligence


Start-Up & Concept

Häufig aufkommende Fragen

Due Dilligence


Non-binding, individual, personal

Do you want to achieve tangible change with your innovation?

Make an appointment now
Lara Friedrichs
Lara Friedrichs

Senior Consultant &
Systemic Coach

Targeting success

Market entry


Market entry

The way...

... our Powerday gives you the opportunity to work specifically and efficiently on individual challenges. In four intensive coaching sessions, we focus on the needs of your employees and managers.
Through tailor-made approaches and focused interventions, we create clarity, strengthen competencies and promote sustainable change — all in just one day. Powerday is the ideal solution for companies that want to achieve quick and effective results.


Frequently asked questions



Start-Up & Concept

Häufig aufkommende Fragen



Non-binding, individual, personal

Ready for new markets?

Make an appointment now
Eva Eckard

Senior Consultant &
Systemic Coach

From idea to market success

Team development workshop


The healthcare sector is...

... our team development workshops create the basis for more effective collaboration, clear communication and a harmonious working atmosphere. Together, we take the time to analyze the dynamics of your team. By using proven methods such as positioning exercises or specific dialogue formats, we identify potential weak points and develop practical solution strategies.
Our goal is not only to improve collaboration within your team, but also to create sustainable structures that ensure long-term stability and success. In doing so, we attach particular importance to resolving conflicts and strengthening the motivation of all team members. Together, we form a team that is effective, motivated and future-oriented.

Success factors for change

Erfolgsfaktor Veränderung

Trust and open communication

Continuous feedback and learning

an understanding of changes per se (their dynamics, types)

Shared vision, values
and clear goals

Involving employees in change

Clear vision

The course of our workshop


Preparation & goal setting

In a detailed preliminary discussion, we will clarify the current challenges and wishes of your team in order to get a clear overview of the expectations for the workshop.


Analysis of
team dynamics

We study roles, communication patterns, and collaboration within the team to uncover existing strengths as well as potential weaknesses and address them in a targeted manner.


Tailored Interventions

Using proven methods such as positioning exercises or dialogue formats, we work on the identified challenges and create practical solutions that can be implemented directly.


Define sustainable measures

At the end of the workshop, we work together to develop clear strategies, action steps and responsibilities in order to integrate the results into everyday working life in the long term and ensure sustainable changes.

Coaching individual sessions

Frequently asked questions

Non-binding, individual, personal

Make an appointment for a consultation now

During this appointment, we will actively take time to assess your current company situation and challenges.

  1. Contact us with your specific request.
  2. We record your individual needs and potential.
  3. You will receive all relevant details via email.
Make an appointment now