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Create structure, ensure success
... of organization and processes forms the basis of efficient business processes. By means of a systematically developed corporate strategy, you not only create the basis for analyzing your company's success, but also the opportunity to react flexibly and promptly to current changes in processes and structures. Together, we develop your individual corporate strategy, which focuses on your goals and is in line with your corporate culture and structure.
Sustainable change
Results that you can achieve with coaching.
Development of a clear vision and strategic goals to ensure sustainable growth and success.
Fostering communication and collaboration to strengthen team dynamics and resolve conflicts
Building change skills and flexibility to effectively overcome challenges and seize opportunities.
Strengthening self-confidence and leadership skills for personal and professional development.
Activating unused potential and resources to develop and implement innovative solutions.
Improving stress management and work-life balance to promote long-term satisfaction and performance
More performance, more success
Studies show that coaching can increase productivity by up to 88% by setting clear goals and efficiently supporting implementation.
80% of coached people report that they achieve their personal and professional goals faster and more sustainably than without professional support.
85% of managers are convinced that coaching is crucial for team development and collaboration — through better communication and stronger cohesion.
Companies that use coaching see up to 70% higher employee retention, as individual strengths are promoted and development opportunities are created.
Due diligence
Wählen Sie Ihren Coach und starten Sie mit einem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch. Gemeinsam klären Sie Ziele, Herausforderungen und nächste Schritte.
Decide with information
Due diligence
... to navigate your company safely and efficiently through complex acquisitions, mergers and partnerships in the healthcare sector. With our in-depth expertise in analyzing market trends, regulatory risks and technological innovations, we help you make well-founded decisions and identify hidden opportunities.
Coaching individual sessions
Depending on the area of care, it may be useful to use video advice and online tools, while in other cases, personal care contact is preferred and processes in the background offer potential for optimization. In particular, we are currently asked the question of positioning with regard to a platform strategy compared to the single-product strategy, which is being jointly evaluated with regard to its advantages and disadvantages. With a comprehensive overview of the other service provider sector and many years of experience, we are always at your side.
There are various pricing strategies that make sense depending on the product or service. The trend is currently moving away from the classic one-time purchase of a product towards subscription models and pay per use. For services, for example, a full flat service package is also possible. It is important that the price is specifically evaluated compared to the benefits in a business case.
Here, it is important to clearly define the target group. Older generations are not yet fully digital, but in our holistic concepts, we also take into account the members of the target groups who can be reached via digital channels. Whether it's social media, podcasts, local business or trade fairs — we provide advice on the right channels for your product/service.
We support a variety of valuable contacts in the areas of home care, medical supply stores, diabetes and medical technology, who are open to market innovations and partnerships. Together, we evaluate the right contacts and create added value for all parties involved through synergy effects.
Due Dilligence
Start-Up & Concept
Je nach Versorgungsbereich kann die Nutzung von Videoberatung und Online-Tools sinnvoll sein, während in anderen Fällen ein persönlicher Versorgungskontakt bevorzugt wird und Prozesse im Hintergrund Optimierungspotenzial bieten. Häufig wird uns derzeit die Frage nach der Positionierung im Hinblick auf eine Plattformstrategie im Vergleich zur Single-Product-Strategie gestellt, welche gemeinsam hinsichtlich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile evaluiert wird. Mit einem weitgreifenden Überblick über die Branche der Sonstigen Leistungserbringer und langjährigen Erfahrungswerten, stehen wir immer zur Seite.
Es gibt verschiedene Pricing Strategien, die je nach Produkt oder Dienstleistung sinnvoll sind. Derzeit geht der Trend weg von dem klassischen Einmalkauf eines Produktes hin zu Abo-Modellen und Pay per Use. Für Dienstleistungen ist beispielsweise auch eine Full Flat Service Pauschale denkbar. Wichtig ist, dass der Preis im Vergleich zum Nutzen in einem Business Case gezielt evaluiert wird.
Hier gilt es die Zielgruppe klar zu definieren. Ältere Generationen sind noch nicht vollends digital unterwegs, jedoch berücksichtigen wir in unseren ganzheitlichen Konzepten auch die Angehörigen der Zielgruppen, die über digitale Kanäle erreicht werden können. Egal ob Social Media, Podcasts, das vor Ort Geschäft oder Messen – wir beraten in den richtigen Kanälen für Ihr Produkt / Ihre Dienstleistung.
Wir betreuen eine Vielzahl wertvoller Kontakte in den Bereichen Homecare, Sanitätshaus, Diabetes oder auch Medizintechnik, die offen gegenüber Marktinnovationen und Partnerschaften sind. Gemeinsam evaluieren wir die richtigen Kontakte und schaffen einen Mehrwert für alle Beteiligten durch Synergieeffekte.
Due Dilligence
Targeting success
Market entry
... our Powerday gives you the opportunity to work specifically and efficiently on individual challenges. In four intensive coaching sessions, we focus on the needs of your employees and managers.
Through tailor-made approaches and focused interventions, we create clarity, strengthen competencies and promote sustainable change — all in just one day. Powerday is the ideal solution for companies that want to achieve quick and effective results.
Powerday is an intensive coaching format that enables up to four employees or managers to work on individual challenges in separate sessions within one day. The aim is to achieve fast and sustainable results that promote both personal and professional development.
Der Powerday richtet sich an Unternehmen, die ihre Mitarbeitenden oder Führungskräfte gezielt stärken möchten. Besonders geeignet ist das Format für Personen, die vor wichtigen Entscheidungen stehen, an Führungskompetenzen arbeiten oder Herausforderungen in kurzer Zeit lösen möchten.
A vote is carried out in advance to determine the topics and priorities of the individual coaching sessions. This allows us to optimally prepare ourselves for the needs of the participants. On Powerday itself, we start directly with the individually tailored, independent coaching sessions. Each session follows the tried and tested sequence of our individual sessions: goal clarification, interventions and reflection.
Powerday is designed to make tangible and lasting change. Participants develop individual solution strategies, gain new perspectives and gain clarity about their goals. The intensive work in coaching sessions strengthens personal skills, increases the ability to act and promotes direct implementation in everyday life. In addition, Powerday contributes to long-term development and motivation, which supports both individual and team-related successes.
Start-Up & Concept
Je nach Versorgungsbereich kann die Nutzung von Videoberatung und Online-Tools sinnvoll sein, während in anderen Fällen ein persönlicher Versorgungskontakt bevorzugt wird und Prozesse im Hintergrund Optimierungspotenzial bieten. Häufig wird uns derzeit die Frage nach der Positionierung im Hinblick auf eine Plattformstrategie im Vergleich zur Single-Product-Strategie gestellt, welche gemeinsam hinsichtlich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile evaluiert wird. Mit einem weitgreifenden Überblick über die Branche der Sonstigen Leistungserbringer und langjährigen Erfahrungswerten, stehen wir immer zur Seite.
Es gibt verschiedene Pricing Strategien, die je nach Produkt oder Dienstleistung sinnvoll sind. Derzeit geht der Trend weg von dem klassischen Einmalkauf eines Produktes hin zu Abo-Modellen und Pay per Use. Für Dienstleistungen ist beispielsweise auch eine Full Flat Service Pauschale denkbar. Wichtig ist, dass der Preis im Vergleich zum Nutzen in einem Business Case gezielt evaluiert wird.
Hier gilt es die Zielgruppe klar zu definieren. Ältere Generationen sind noch nicht vollends digital unterwegs, jedoch berücksichtigen wir in unseren ganzheitlichen Konzepten auch die Angehörigen der Zielgruppen, die über digitale Kanäle erreicht werden können. Egal ob Social Media, Podcasts, das vor Ort Geschäft oder Messen – wir beraten in den richtigen Kanälen für Ihr Produkt / Ihre Dienstleistung.
Wir betreuen eine Vielzahl wertvoller Kontakte in den Bereichen Homecare, Sanitätshaus, Diabetes oder auch Medizintechnik, die offen gegenüber Marktinnovationen und Partnerschaften sind. Gemeinsam evaluieren wir die richtigen Kontakte und schaffen einen Mehrwert für alle Beteiligten durch Synergieeffekte.
From idea to market success
... our team development workshops create the basis for more effective collaboration, clear communication and a harmonious working atmosphere. Together, we take the time to analyze the dynamics of your team. By using proven methods such as positioning exercises or specific dialogue formats, we identify potential weak points and develop practical solution strategies.
Our goal is not only to improve collaboration within your team, but also to create sustainable structures that ensure long-term stability and success. In doing so, we attach particular importance to resolving conflicts and strengthening the motivation of all team members. Together, we form a team that is effective, motivated and future-oriented.
Coaching individual sessions
The workshop is aimed at teams and departments who want to optimize their collaboration. It is particularly suitable for groups that are facing new challenges, want to resolve conflicts or define their roles and responsibilities. The workshop is also ideal for managers who want to strengthen their teams in a targeted manner and improve processes.
The content of the workshop is individually tailored to the needs of your team. The focus is on clarifying goals, analyzing team dynamics (e.g. communication, role distribution and collaboration) and the application of specific interventions such as force field analyses or position work. Finally, measures are developed to sustainably integrate the results into everyday working life.
The workshop lasts one to two days, depending on your team's needs and goals. It can take place at your premises, in our premises, at an external conference venue or even online — according to your wishes and needs. However, we recommend choosing a neutral location for the workshop, as this often results in a more open and focused atmosphere that promotes creative and solution-oriented exchange. The workshop lasts one to two days, depending on your team's requirements and goals. It can take place at your premises, in our premises, at an external conference venue or even online — according to your wishes and needs.
The workshop creates a clear basis for cooperation and goal orientation. You can expect improved communication, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and a positive working atmosphere. In addition, we develop sustainable measures to effectively overcome challenges and anchor the results in the team in the long term.